Effective on January 1, 2017, Senate Bill 1266 amends the Joint Exercise of Powers Act to establish new reporting procedures in which certain Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) shall now file their agreements and any subsequent amendments with LAFCOs and within certain prescribed time periods. The legislation follows the recommendations of an earlier Legislative Analyst’s Office report and intended to further assist LAFCOs in meeting their longstanding directive to document, assess, and facilitate shared local public service opportunities in all 58 counties of California. The legislation similarly advances the Legislature’s interest in LAFCOs serving as community resources by developing more inclusive repositories on local government services for the benefit of the general public. JPAs that fail to comply with the new reporting requirements will be prohibited from issuing any bonds or incur indebtedness of any kind.
As referenced not all JPAs are subject to SB 1266. The legislation is purposefully limited to those JPAs with a county, city, town, or special district member in which the entity provides a local municipal service consistent with Government Code Section 56047.7. Towards this end, and for purposes of limiting the scope of potential reporting entities, Alameda LAFCO internally defines the provision of “municipal services” to include any service or related function listed under Government Code Section 61100.
JPA Documents
- Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Alameda County Transportation Commission
- Alameda County Waste Management Authority
- Alameda Health Care District
- Altamont Regional Traffic Authority
- DERWA – Dublin San Ramon Services District – East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority
- East Bay Community Energy Authority
- East Bay Dischargers Authority
- East Bay Regional Communications System Authority
- Freeport Regional Water Authority
- GOLFA – Government of Livermore Financing Authority
- HASPA – Hayward Area Shoreline Planning Agency
- LAVTA – Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority
- LAVWMA – Livermore-Amador Valley Water Management Agency
- Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department Joint Powers Authority
- Los Vaqueros Reservoir
- Northern California Power Agency
- Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority
- Power and Water Resources Pooling Authority
- San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority
- Tri-Valley Transportation Council
- Youth Ventures Joint Power Authority