Alameda County
The County’s website provides useful information and on-line services including information on County meetings, children’s topics, new releases, employment, jury summons, property values, and access to County forms and documents.
Association of Bay Area Governments
ABAG is one of over 560 regional planning agencies across the nation working on issues such as land use, housing, environmental quality, and economic development. ABAG’s region includes 100 cities and nine counties. More than 6 million people live in this 7,000 square mile area. The ABAG website provides useful information about regional and local government in the Bay Area.
California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions
This site provide links to other LAFCO websites. CALAFCO serves as an organization dedicated to assisting member LAFCOs with technical resources that otherwise would not be available. The Association provides statewide coordination of LAFCO activities, representation before the State Legislature and other bodies, and a structure for sharing information among the various LAFCOs and other governmental agencies through the State.
California Natural Resources Agency
This site provides information about statewide conservation efforts, flood and fire protection, parks and recreation, and water resources.
California Legislative Information Official Site
This site is a useful resource for tracking state legislation, searching statutory law, and researching general legislative matters.
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Find a comprehensive list of technical advice reports on land use planning and CEQA topics (HTML and PDF formats).
Legislative Analyst’s Office
LAO publications provide comprehensive and up-to-date analyses on current state legislation (HTML and PDF formats).