Eden Township Healthcare District Special Study

Alameda LAFCo prepared a special study of the Eden Township Healthcare District (ETHD), also known as the Eden Health District. Originally formed in 1948 to finance, construct and operate Eden Hospital, the District no longer owns and operates the hospital. Currently the District provides grant funding to health-related organizations, oversees its investment fund, and owns three office buildings where it leases office space to various healthcare providers.

The District covers Eden Township, which includes the unincorporated areas of Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, Fairview, and San Lorenzo, and the cities of Hayward and San Leandro. It collects no tax revenues, and derives its revenue from net income from its office buildings. More information about the District can be found at http://ethd.org/.

LAFCos are responsible for periodically reviewing the municipal services provided by local agencies under LAFCo jurisdiction in conjunction with updating those agencies’ spheres of influence. The service reviews, known as “Municipal Service Reviews” (MSRs), are intended to be an informational tool to help LAFCo, other agencies and the public better understand the municipal service structure. A sphere of influence (SOI) is LAFCo’s determination of “the probable physical boundaries and service area of a local agency.”

The MSR evaluated various factors including, but not limited to, growth and population projections, adequacy of services, financial ability, accountability and organizational structure options. In 2013, Alameda LAFCo completed an MSR of ETHD which concluded that the District should continue in its current form. (Eden Township Healthcare District MSR)

In June 2016 the City of Hayward submitted a request to LAFCo to prepare a special study to address concerns expressed about the District (City of Hayward Special Study Request). At the July 14, 2016 LAFCo meeting, the Commission considered and approved Hayward’s request (LAFCo staff report). The special study reviewed the services the District currently provides, its financial position including any future obligations, and a fiscal analysis of various governance options, including dissolution. At its April 11, 2017 special meeting, Alameda LAFCo declared the special study complete, approved the final report, and directed staff to prepare terms and conditions for a sphere of influence amendment of the District to be considered at the July 13, 2017 LAFCo regular meeting. The study will be used to inform Alameda LAFCo, the public and other stakeholders.


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